Leadership Laws: The Law of E. F. Hutton Part 4
Daniel Speaks, People Listen-Daniel 5:13, 14
When Daniel spoke, everyone listened. Why? People listened to Daniel for the following reasons:
- Relationships: People listen to us because of who we know. Daniel had a reputation for knowing the God of Israel.
- Sacrifice: People listen to us because of what we have suffered. Daniel gave up his right to eat the king’s food.
- Character: People listen to us because of our integrity. Daniel remained blameless and trustworthy even when he had to rebuke kings.
- Relevance: People listen to us because we identify with their needs. Daniel lived with the Babylonians and identified with their struggles and lifestyle.
- Insight: People listen to us because of what we know. Daniel could interpret dreams and visions that confused everyone else.
- Vulnerability: People listen to us because we are genuinely transparent. Daniel’s life was an open book.
- Experience: People listen to us because we’ve succeeded in the past. Daniel’s credibility came from years of living well.
- Humility: People listen to us when we incarnate meekness. Daniel served and submitted to authorities unless they broke a higher law.
- Competence: People listen to us because of our abilities and expertise. Daniel did many things better than anyone else.
- Courage: People listen to us because we demonstrate conviction. Daniel was no one’s puppet and showed he would die for his convictions.
Inmate Takes Command-Acts 27:1-44
As an inmate on a virtual prison ship, Paul began with no influence (Acts 27:11). By the end of the voyage, however, everyone was listening to him, including the centurion. Note how this leader gained his influence:
- He built trust (v. 3). Julius allowed Paul special privileges, noting his trustworthiness.
- He took initiative (vv. 9, 10). With no position or permission, Paul stepped in and took action.
- He possessed good judgment (v. 10). Paul’s speech revealed wisdom and experience.
- He spoke with authority and credibility (v. 21). Paul unashamedly reminded the crew he had been right earlier.
- He was optimistic and confident (vv. 22-24). Paul spoke boldly.
- He gave encouragement (v. 25). Paul gave hope for survival and rescue.
- He was honest (v. 26). Paul candidly told the crew they would face problems.
- He didn’t compromise on absolutes (vv. 27-32). Paul wouldn’t drift from God-given instructions.
- He stayed focused (vv. 33, 34). Paul focused on objectives, not obstacles.
- He led by example (vv. 35-38). Paul led by modeling the right attitude.
- He ultimately succeeded (vv. 39-44). Paul eventually accomplished what he set out to do.
Lesson About Influence-1 Timothy 4:12-16
How can Timothy prevent anyone from looking down on him because of his youth? By being an example; this will ensure his influence (1 Tim. 4:15, 16). The more you walk, the less you have to talk. Our leadership is more caught than taught. People would rather see a sermon than hear one.
Join me next time for Leadership Qualities: Competence Part 1.