Leadership Qualities: Communication Part 5
Communicating Vision-Ezekiel 1:1-3
Like Jeremiah, Ezekiel knew how to communicate a message so that every listener understood and knew what to do. This is the mark of a successful communicator. Note how he communicated:
- His vision was memorable; his words inventive. God instructed the prophet how to cast his vision. God’s instructions seemed so radical that even Ezekiel felt repulsed by them. Yet no one would ever forget the lessons.
- His vision was measurable; his words insightful. Ezekiel spoke specifically about future events. He gave no fuzzy, ambiguous word about how God wanted the people to follow, should they decide to cooperate. He delivered a compelling and detailed word about the punishment they would receive.
- His vision was motivational; his words gave incentive. Ezekiel didn’t talk merely to pronounce judgment. He wanted to compel the Israelites to repent and return to God. He gave them a reason to act.
Zephaniah Spoke with Authority-Zephaniah 1:1-18
Zephaniah spoke for God, just as the other Old Testament prophets had done. This divine message required Zephaniah to possess unique qualifications, for God called him to deliver a message his audience didn’t want to hear. The message wasn’t fun to preach and contained difficult and even disgusting metaphors.
Nevertheless, Zephaniah communicated judgment upon the house of Judah with great authority. Make sure you follow the pattern Zephaniah did:
- Believe in your God. Zephaniah had to trust in God to protect and empower him to communicate the message.
- Believe in your message. Zephaniah had to be convinced that this hard word was exactly what the people needed to hear.
- Believe in your cause. Zephaniah had to embrace his ultimate cause.
- Believe in your people. Zephaniah had to have hope that the people would change and buy into his message.
- Believe in yourself. Zephaniah had to be convinced that he was the man to deliver the message.
Without It, Leader Travels Alone-Zechariah 8:1-8
Successful leaders know how to empower their people through effective communication. They also know what to communicate that will encourage their people. Note the clear distinctions:
Poor Communicators Offers: | Good Communicators Offer: |
1. Hoops
People grow discouraged by all they must do to “make progress.” |
1. Hope
People are encouraged by a picture of a better and |
2. Hype
People may get excited, but they have nothing tangible to grasp and apply when it’s over. |
2. Help
People receive practical help as the leader offers steps to take. |
Join me next time for Leaderships Qualities: Communication Part 6