Leadership Issues: Anointing
Moses Lead From-Exodus 34:5-7
The Lord is: merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding is steadfast love and faithfulness, forgives iniquity, transgressions and sin, will in no wise clear the guilty, visits the iniquity to the fourth generation. When Moses came down with the second set of commandments, his face shone with the glory of God. The nature and character of God had begun to rub off on Moses. The people asked him to veil his face. The Israelites where able to sense the presence of God and the anointing in the leadership of Moses. Anointed Leadership is characterized by:
1. Charisma: The anointed enjoy a sense of giftedness that comes from God. It seems magnetic.
2. Character: People see God’s nature in your leadership. They trust you.
3. Competence: You have the ability to get the job done. Your leadership produces results.
4. Conviction: Your leadership has backbone. You always stand for what is right.
Requirements and Results-Deuteronomy 7:11-13
We should be careful to do the commandments of the Lord. Because we keep his commandments God will bless us abundantly. The anointing represents God’s intimate presence and enabling power. While God anoints there are some human criteria for anointing. A leader must . . .
1. Obey and teach the people to obey God’s Word (Deut. 7:11-13)
2. Desire and pursue the outpouring of the Spirit (Deut. 11:13, 14)
3. Actively build up the “house” of the Lord (Hag. 1:7-11)
4. Recognize God is the source of his blessing and authority (Hos. 2:8, 9)
5. Use his influence for the Lord and not for selfish or evil reasons (Hos. 2:8, 9)
6. Avoid glorifying the anointing more than God Himself (Hos. 2:8, 9)
7. Give himself freely to the work of the Lord (Ex. 35:20-29)
8. Appreciate and guard the anointing (Num. 4:9, 16)
Fruit from God’s-Psalm 89:19-29
The Lord would bless David. He will fight his battles. In the name of the Lord David would be exalted. God would establish him forever. All leaders should seek the anointing of God. They need to be empowered by the hand of God and show evidence of this by leading in a way far superior to what they could do on their own. What does God promise leaders anointed by His Spirit?:
1. God’s Help (v. 19)
2. Being called God’s servant (v. 20)
3. God’s Strength (v. 21)
4. God’s hand with them (v. 21)
5. Freedom from affliction (v.22)
6. Freedom from deception (v. 22)
7. Victory over the enemy (v. 23)
8. God’s faithfulness and kindness (v. 24)
9. Influence in the world (v. 25)
10. God’s saving power (v. 26)
11. A Father-son relationship (v. 26)
12. Exaltation and authority (vv. 27-29)
13. Partaking of the covenant (v. 28)
14. Promise of descendants (v. 29)
Purpose of God’s-Isaiah 61:1-3
Prophecy concerning the earth mission of Christ. He was anointed to bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, set captives free, open prison of those who are bound, proclaim the Lord’s favor and day of vengeance, comfort all who mourn, beauty for ashes, oil of gladness instead of mourning, garment of praise instead of a faint spirit. God is the One who anoints, who prepares His leaders for service. But what is the purpose of the anointing? God anoints leaders to enable them to speak the supernatural words and perform the supernatural tasks He has called them to do. The purpose of anointing as described by Isaiah:
1. To supernaturally enable men and women to perform their ministries
2. To bring hope and good news to the afflicted
3. To heal the brokenhearted
4. To proclaim liberty to the captives
5. To set prisoners free
6. To Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord
7. To announce the day of God’s vengeance and Justice
8. To comfort all who mourn
9. To furnish beauty for those who have lost it
10. To provide happiness and a glad heart
11. To supply an opportunity to praise God’s name
12. To glorify the Lord and not man
Join me next time for Leadership Laws: The Law of Navigation Part 1.