Alarm Bells – Galatians 6:7-10
What we sow we will reap. If we sow things in selfishness we will reap coruption. If we sow to the Spirit we will reap eternal life. Don’t get tired of doing good, we shall reap in due time if we don’t give up. We should do good to everyone, especially to those who are in the household of faith. We should solicite others to ask us the tough questions:
1. Is my personal walk with God up-to-date?
2. Am I keeping my priorities straight?
3. Am I asking myself the hard questions?
4. Am I accountable to someone in authority?
5. Am I sensitive to what God is saying to the whole body ofChrist?
6. Am I over-concerned with building my image?
7. Do I put more stock in “events” rather than “process”?
8. Am I a loner in my leadership and personal life?
9. Am I aware and honest about my weaknesses?
10. Is my calling constantly before me?
Paul Sent Timothy – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-10
Paul was concerned about the welfare of the church in Thessolinica. Because of circumstances he was unable to go to them in person. He told them beforehand that they would suffer affliction. He sent timothy to ascertain the welfare of the church. Timothy returned with good news. As they where praying for the church the church was praying for them. This news comforted them in their afflciton. They longed to see the church face to face so they could supply them what they where lacking. Leaders understand the power of accountablility for the purposes of support and challenge. Accountabillity provides a cure for troubling situations. CURE stands for the four gifts of accountability: Correction, Updates, Reminders, and Encouragement.
Stewards of Resources – Hebrews 13:17
We should obey our leaders and submit to them for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. They should do this with joy and not groaning. It is no advantage of the followers for the leaders to lead with a groaning spirit. Leaders are stewards of everyone who follows them. God has placed leaders in “middle management” under His leadership. When their life ends, they will answer for how responsibly they tended to His divine vision and values.
Stricter Judgment – James 3:1
We should not have many teachers. Those who teach will be judged with greater strictness. This is because of the teachers greater influence on those that they teach. When a follower makes a mistake he affects only himself and perhaps his family. When a leader makes a mistake, he affects all that follow him. When the real leader speaks people listen. This can be good or bad depending on wether the words that the leader says is worth listening to. In one sense, God Will be a spiritual accountant, the heavenly C.P.A., calling leaders to answer for how they used the resources He gave them. At the judgment seat of Christ we will be required to give an account for what we did with our lives and our influence.
Join me next time for The Law of Influence Part 1.