Go Ye Therefore

The Law of Empowerment Part 4

 Saul Couldn’t Give Power Away-1 Samuel 18:7-29

King Saul clearly recognized David as a mighty warrior, a valuable team member, an obedient servant, a favored man, and an effective leader. He also clearly saw him as a potential successor and threat.

Things didn’t get better when he heard the Israelite ladies compare the two—and Saul came out second best (1 Sam. 18:7). Saul’s insecurity and fear drove him to turn against David. Insecurity often drives a leader to do stupid and self-sabotaging things.

  1. Saul looked at David’s every activity with suspicion (v. 9).
  2. Saul hurled his spear at David to try to kill him (v. 11).
  3. Saul feared David because God’s Spirit was with him (v. 12).
  4. Saul changed David’s position to prevent them from seeing each other (v. 13).
  5. Saul dreaded being compared to David in any way (vv. 15, 16).
  6. Saul put David in charge of 1,000 troops in hopes that the Philistines would kill him (vv. 13, 17).
  7. Saul gave his daughter Michal to David, hoping she would be a snare to him (vv. 20, 21).
  8. Saul sponsored secrets to deceive David (v. 22).
  9. Saul perceived himself as David’s enemy (v. 29).

Join me next time for The Law of Empowerment Part 5