The Law of Empowerment Part 14
Paul Gives Power-Galatians 5:13-15
When leaders empower their followers, they give them the freedom to act—and trust that they will do so responsibly. Paul released the Galatians to become all God intended them to be. They felt free and empowered by God’s Spirit and Paul’s leadership. As a secure leader, Paul freely gave power to others.
Influence from Identity-Ephesians 1:15-23
Paul prays that God will reveal to his readers the riches of their inheritance (hope, calling, glory, and power). Then he reminds them they are Christ’s body. Power, influence, and confidence all come from a strong sense of identity. Are you secure in your identity? Does your influence reflect this strength?
God Gives What We Need-2 Timothy 1:7, 8
God always gives us what we need to lead. Paul reminded Timothy that God didn’t give him the timidity he felt; that came from Timothy’s own baggage or from the pit of hell itself. Instead God equipped him with love, power, and a sound mind. All leaders need these three fundamental tools:
The relational ingredient that enables us to attract and connect with others.
The courage and competence to get the job done.
Sound mind:
The perspective and wisdom to grasp a vision and take the right steps.
Because God has so equipped us, He instructs us to “not be ashamed . . . but share . . . in the sufferings” (2 Tim. 1:8). God gave Timothy (and us!) everything needed to accomplish the job. He empowers us before He ever expects from us. He gives before He demands. We receive His competence before we receive His commands.
Join me next time for The Law of Empowerment Part 15