Leadership Qualities: Passion Part 6
Paul’s Energy-1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Paul was a leader who possessed both passion and discipline. The reason? He felt consumed with his mission. Note some truths about his leadership:
1. Paul’s passion exceeded his position. His position: I am free from all men. His passion: I have become a slave to all men.
2. Paul’s passion exceeded his personal preferences. He insists on fulfilling his mission. Compassion drove him, not compromise.
3. Paul was high on people, low on procedure. Paul knew what was worth dying for and what wasn’t. He valued people over procedure.
4. Paul remained fixed on his mission and flexible in his methods. Paul remained flexible because he kept his mission in sharp focus. He committed himself to God and his goal.
Take Life and Love It-Ephesians 3:14-21
Paul prays passionately that his readers comprehend the love of God, experience the love of Christ, and be filled with God. Then he declares God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think! Passion is the first step to achievement.
Join me next time for Leadership Qualities: Passion Part 7