Leadership Issues: Convictions Part 2
Defeat into Dividends-Jeremiah 20:1-18
Every leader experiences both good and bad days. Even God’s greatest leaders become discouraged.
The key question on your bad day is: Are you going to give up or get up? And how can you get up?
- Rise above self-pity. Failure is an attitude, not just an outcome.
- Think positively. Success comes by going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
- Learn from your experiences. Failure isn’t failure unless you learn nothing from it.
- Seek alternatives. All successful leaders vary their approaches.
- Develop a sense of humor. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people and the fastest way to get perspective.
- Be realistic. The first job of the leader is to define reality.
- Establish new goals. Failure is an opportunity to begin again, but more intelligently.
- Develop a passion. Your own resolution to succeed counts for more than anything else.
- Broaden your base of support. No single venture should support your entire emotional life.
- Separate your self-worth from your performance. A positive self-image prepares you for success.
Join me next time for Leadership Issues: Convictions Part 3