Go Ye Therefore

The Law of Victory: Part 15

 Jesus Defeats Death-Colossians 2:10-15

Jesus not only provides us the weapons we need for victory (Col. 2:10-14), but He also disarms the enemy, thus assuring our success (2:15). Christ ensures us of victory by providing the resources we need, by removing hindrances, by stripping the enemy of his own devices, and by publicly declaring victory.

God Provides Victory-1 John 5:1-21

As the Ultimate Leader, God practices the Law of Victory and allows each of His people to share in His victory. He found a way for the team to win! Consider how God practices this law and takes us to a new level:

  1. His people receive a new birth (v. 1).
  2. His people receive a lighter load (v. 3).
  3. His people overcome the world (v. 4).
  4. His people gain a victorious faith (vv. 4, 5).
  5. His people receive an inward confirmation (vv. 10, 11).
  6. His people receive a new life (v. 12).
  7. His people gain answers to prayer (vv. 14, 15).
  8. His people receive protection (v. 18).
  9. His people gain wisdom and understanding (v. 20).
  10. His people receive a new position (v. 20).

Join me next time for The Law of Victory Part 16