Jesus’ Diagnosis-Matthew 9:35-38
The Ultimate Leader teaches us about the divine order of capturing and casting a vision. Leaders often err by flitting from vision to vision. Why? Because they fail to take the time to become burdened over a need. Burden always comes first; then vision. Consider the order we see in Jesus’ leadership:
Leaders remain relevant only as they meet real needs. Consequently, we must pause long enough to observe needs, then feel the tug of a burden. Finally, we must catch a vision that will address the burden.
Jesus Saw Potential-Luke 5:10, 11, 27, 28
Would any of us have picked Simon the fishermen or Matthew the tax collector to be on our team? The former spoke more than he thought; the latter took more than he gave. But Jesus saw them both as diamonds in the rough.
Jesus could see beyond the imperfections, and He put a “ten” on their foreheads instead of the “three” or “four” they deserved. Unstable Peter became a solid leader of the church at Jerusalem, while Matthew became one of the most generous people in the Gospels.
The Law of Intuition enables leaders to spot potential. Consider the biblical record . . .
Join me next time for The Law of Intuition Part 13