Go Ye Therefore

The Law of Intuition Part 9

Vision for the World-Psalm 67:1-7

God’s blessings follow leaders who adopt His vision for the nations of the world.

Psalm 67 contains both the “top line” and the “bottom line” of the covenant got invited us to enter. The top line represents God’s blessings for His people; the bottom line represents the natural response to that blessing. When God blesses us, we are to turn around and bless all day unblessed nations of the earth.

Psalm 67:1 ask God to be gracious, to bless, and to make His face to shine upon His people (the top line of the covenant). Verse 2: says, “That Your way maybe known on earth, Your salvation among all nations” (the bottom line of the covenant). The last two verses of the Psalm reiterate the top and bottom lines.

God blesses His people so that they can bless those who have yet to be blessed. Godly leaders feel driven by this vision. Maintenance is not the goal. Getting blessed is not the goal. The top line represents only half of the deal; the goal is to participate in the bottom line. World conquest motivates God’s heart, and He accomplishes this mission through leaders who cast vision for participating in bottom-line living.

Join me next time for The Law of Intuition Part 10