Leadership Qualities: Courage Part 4
Permission to Take Risks-Ezra 3:7
Most people need permission to take a risk. Taking a risk is tough for most people. Usually, a leader must step forward and give men and women permission to take a risk, step out, and make sacrifices. Most people generally take the path of least resistance and migrate toward comfort zones. This is why leaders must both model courage and call forth courage from others.
One Person Standing with God-Jeremiah 15:15-21
Jeremiah acted with courage when no one else seemed to be able to do so. He endured in his struggle to stand courageously:
- He was neglected.
- He was mistreated.
- He was lonely.
- He endured continual discouragement.
- He felt let down by God.
God gave His prophet courage by giving him a . . .
- Picture of Himself-God allowed him to stand and see a vision of Yahweh.
- Picture of the people-God confirms Jeremiah’s view: The people are stubborn.
- Picture of victory-God reminds him that the Lord is greater than any circumstance.
Ezekiel Speaks with Courage-Ezekiel 28:1-19
Ezekiel could speak hard truth to the king of Tyre because God had deposited in him a . . .
- Dream: He saw what God saw-a preferred future with just leaders.
- Desire: He had a desire to see change and to be part of the solution.
- Decisiveness: He recognized what needed to be done and he chose to step in.
- Daring: His courage to act outweighed his fear of the king.
- Dedication: He remained committed to fulfilling his call, whatever the cost.
- Direction: He had a clear plan for change.
- Dependence on God: He relied on God to do what only He could do.
Join me next time for Leadership Qualities: Courage Part 5